Kerala wins huge advances despite floods and Nipah. And Achieved 1st place in tourism activities.
Kerala selected as the Best State in Tourism in India by the study conducted by the State of the States (SOS) to find out the best states for Tourism. Kerala has done well in the field of environment and sanitation. Including these focusing on 12 development indicators, the study was conducted by India Today, a leading English magazine. The study examined the number of domestic and foreign tourists, tourism promotion activities aimed at tourists, the number of population-based airports, railway stations, registered hotels, and crime rate.
Despite the impact of the floods and the Nipah season in Kerala for two consecutive years, revenue from tourism increased by Rs 2874 crore to Rs 36,528 crore in 2018–19 compared to the previous year. In the same study conducted in 2018, Kerala ranked third in the list.
In 2018, there are 167 lakh tourists, including 10.9 lakh foreigners. Over 158 lakh people visited the state last year. In the second half of the year, the tourism industry in Kerala has seen a growth of 14.81 percent. The number of domestic tourists arriving in the country last year increased by 15.05 percent to 47.7 lakh from 41.5 lakh domestic tourists.
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